
Martijn Stolk's corner of the web

Stuff that keep me busy…

Case-sensitive path on Win10 with Linux Subsystem

So right after I renewed my Win10 installation I installed WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and played around with it, including X410's X-server and getting GIMP up and running in my Windows environment. Awesome. I was also using it to... Continue Reading →

Logging raw HTTP messages in ASP.NET

We all want to investigate the content of the requests between the browser and the server at some point. The most common way to do this is to open up the developer tools of the browser and look at the... Continue Reading →

Azure WebRole/WorkerRole definition file per configuration

When having multiple environments in Azure for WebRoles or WorkerRoles, it might not be neccesary to have the same performance everywhere. A testing environment, for example, usually has to handle a lot less work than an acceptance or production environment.... Continue Reading →

Automatically run Application_Start for websites in an Azure WebRole

In order to get your websites to automatically run the Application_Start of your global.asax in an Azure WebRole, some changes to your application are neccesary. This solution is probably not the only solution for this problem, but it worked for... Continue Reading →

TableStorageAppender for Log4net

Logging to the new Table Storage in the cloud is a very common case when you’re working with Azure projects. There are various ways to do this. You can setup log4net to use the Trace log that is available in... Continue Reading →

Jenkins + SVN with certificate and username/password authentication

At work I ran into a challenge recently. We have been using Subversion for quite a while already with good experiences. CruiseControl was our build environment, but is heavy on the xml configuration. Recentely we decided we should give Jenkins... Continue Reading →

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